What is coaching?

But first..

Do you recognize yourself in one or more of these points?

  • You have a feeling of 'is this it?'

  • You have no idea what you actually want to do in your career

  • Sunday Scaries

  • You feel insecure

  • You are afraid of making mistakes

  • You experience a lot of stress

  • Your surroundings indicate that you look tired and ask if everything is going well?

  • You suffer from imposter syndrome

  • You find it difficult to make choices, in your private life and/or at work

  • You notice that you miss the connection with your friends. Your relationships change

Would you like to achieve this?

  • Knowing what you want in both your private life and your career

  • Be confident

  • If you make a mistake, accept it and move on

  • Dare to speak up

  • Dealing with stress

  • Dare to make choices

  • Improving relationships

How are you going to achieve that?

Coaching is a goal-oriented process that encourages effective behavior in an interactive manner. The focus is on awareness and personal growth, increasing self-confidence, and applying both new and existing qualities. So together we look at the old behavior and what it takes to realize new behavior.

Behavior arises from feelings and thoughts, which arise from facts and events to which we ourselves give a certain meaning. This value is different for everyone. Two people can experience exactly the same thing, but still have different thoughts and feelings about it and therefore show different behavior.

So there are three pieces of data that we can work on; our behavior, our thoughts, and our feelings. These three are all connected to each other. So by adjusting one or more of these, a change will occur.

This sounds simpler than it actually is. Many of these processes have become habits and therefore happen automatically. So first of all, awareness has to be created.

During the sessions we therefore first of all work on awareness. Awareness of our (automatic) behavior, thoughts, and feelings. What is the reason for these reactions? Where do these reactions come from? What exactly are the automatic responses? We map the automatic behavior.


We also look at what behavior, thoughts, and feelings do you want to replace the automatic response? What is your target? Setting a goal sounds simpler than it is. It is important that the goal really suits you and does not conflict with what you find important in life. If your goal aligns with the things you value in life, the goal will not only be easier to achieve but will also feel good once you've achieved it.

When the old behavior and the goal are determined, then we will see how we get from the old behavior to the goal. We discuss the steps during the sessions, but we also work in between the sessions. I often give homework assignments. These assignments never take hours of work and contribute to achieving your goal. Working towards a certain goal does not come naturally. That goes with trial and error, but with the right guidance, it is certainly achievable!